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Building Trust: 3 Models and 5 Key Skills

Oct 13, 2021

Trust matters for almost everything that we do, and building trust does not have to take as much time as you might think.    Even though there are  all kinds of structural reasons outside of our control that contribute to a lack of trust in the world and in our own lives,  there are also some key leverage points we can use to build trust more effectively in all kinds of circumstances.   That's what this post is all about.


Two Great Resources for Understanding and Building Trust

Trust Model #1: The Trust Equation

A fear based state of mind increases self-orientation, and decreases trust...

So how do you simultaneously increase connectivity with others and decrease self-orientation?

Trust Model #2: A Trust Creating Conversation

Trust Model #3: Four Principles for Building Trust

The four commitments of Joyful Impact are also principles for building trust:

When to Use the 3 Trust Models

Five Skills for Building Trust Across All Three Models

There are a number of hands-on skills you can practice to get better at building trust.  See the links below for ideas on how to step up your practice in each of these arenas.

  1. Deep Listening:  seek understanding, motivated by genuine curiosity about the other person's interest, ideas and challenges (more on this here)
  2. Collaborate & Co-Create:  a trust-based relationship is a dance where you are creating something together that is truly held in common between you.  Start with the other person's ideas whenever possible (more on this here)
  3. Ideate & Iterate: respond to inevitable challenges and obstacles with a commitment to keep trying new ideas until you find a path forward (more on this here)
  4. Embrace Risk: Take the risk of placing your trust in others before you have certainty that they will do the same.  Go first. (more on this here)
  5. Elevate & AdaptHave faith that you can evolve to meet your own needs in an infinite variety of ways (more on this here and here)


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